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        北京草莓视频官方正版草莓AVAPP > English > NEWS > Spray Dryer >
        Design Condition Summary of Special Centrifugal Spray Dryer Time:2018.04.10
        Design condition summary of special centrifugal spray dryer for condiments:

        1. Feed liquid condition
        Material Name: Soy Protein (Polypeptides)
        Initial moisture: 60%
        Final moisture: 5%
        Moisture evaporation: 250Kg/h
        Feed liquid temperature: 20°C(normal temperature)
        Feed liquid density: ≤1.2g/cm3
        2. Process conditions
        Atomization method: Centrifugal
        Contact method of droplet and hot air: Parallel flow
        Heat source and heating method: LPG fuel gas hot blast stove
        Inlet air temperature: 170~220°C(Temperature rise designed according to 220°C)
        Exhaust air temperature: 80~100°C (designed according to 90°C)
        Dust removal method: Two-stage cyclone + water film dust removal
        Product collection method: Dehumidification cool air cooling centralized material receipt
        System Material Requirements: See Configuration Checklist
        3. Design meteorological conditions (standard)
        Atmospheric pressure: 101.3KPa
        Ambient temperature: 20°C
        Relative humidity: 80%
        4. Public works
        4.1. Power supply
        Power supply: 380V, 3-phase 5-wire, 50Hz
        Power: about 61.7kw
        4.2. Compressed air
        Pressure: 0.6 MPa
        Dosage: 0.01m3/min
        4.3. Natural gas consumption
        Natural gas consumption: 77 Nm3/h
        4.4. Water consumption
        Pressure: 0.2MPa cleaning nozzle
        Dosage: 150kg/min
        4.5, equipment floor area about (length × width × height) m
        Length×width×height 8×10×14
        Condiment special centrifugal spray dryer calculation process
        1. Determinate parameters
        Moisture evaporation W water = 250kg/h
        Dry air inlet temperature t1=180°C
        Dry exhaust air temperature t2=90°C
        Product moisture-based moisture content (early water) ω1=60%
        Product moisture-base moisture content (final water content) ω2=5%
        Ambient temperature t0=20°C
        Humidity of air at ambient temperature d0=0.011kg water/kg dry air
        Raw material temperature: θ1 = 20°C
        The product temperature is 15°C lower than the exhaust air temperature, ie θ2=70°C (uncooled)
        Dry air moisture content d1, indirect heat exchange, d1=d0=0.011kg water/kg dry air

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